【獲獎】2023 倫敦傑出地產大獎 WINNER | Deluxe Adobe with Poise


The layout design focuses on creating an environment of stable retirement life. Accordingly, the couple of owners who worked in advertising have aesthetic pursuit and appreciation. We created a gorgeous Limestone veneer feature wall corresponding to the grayish-white marble TV wall and performs nicely as a modern luxurious trend. As the dining room is the hub of the residence, we adopted wire-brushed wood veneers and gray-tinted mirrors as its facade. The concealed access to the private space artfully adorns the dining area, where the residents can enjoy the happiness of a family.
靜奢雅境 - 玄關
靜奢雅境 - 餐廳
靜奢雅境 - 主臥
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